Anyway, what's the last month been like?
Well, school devoured me for a brief period of time. I had multiple presentations to deal with in my reading classes, and lots of latin to translate. Our class has spent the last three weeks translating Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone out of Latin into English. Harder than it sounds, but a whole lot of fun for a nerd like me. I also completed the presentation for my Capstone paper, which is all about authors who defy fantasy cliche's in their writing. This has given me an excuse to read a ridiculous amount of Dresden Files -- seriously, I got through three this weekend alone. I'm hoping to spend the summer catching up with those books, more Goodkind, and maybe interspersing some other random fiction. I don't have any summer classes looming, so it's a good time to get my recreational reading done!
Writing-wise, I gave up on Script Frenzy right about the time I started packing up to move and getting bombarded with school stuff. It's a shame, but hopefully I'll be able to pick up the idea at another time. My plans for the summer include having a finished first draft of Stella Felicis, a second draft of Attunement, and to continue making notes for a new idea that doesn't have a name yet but is kind of sixth-sense, ghostbustersish.
Social life has been about the same - we've missed two weeks of D&D due to moving and Jim being out of town, but hopefully that'll start up again Sunday at the new apartment, which is looking great (I'll post pictures soon as I get everything moved in, I promise). The move went pretty smoothly, and my other task for this week besides school is to clean everything out of my old apartment in preparation for the lease going up on the 30th.
Also on a social note, I picked up a boyfriend at the beginning of April. Jeff's a videogame addict (he's won multiple Starcraft tournaments. I am a geek and consider this a hot commodity in a significant other) and a philosophy major. We hang out and talk about stuff a lot, as well as playing videogames and going out dancing and trying interesting beers.
Here's a picture of us at GuNk's Zombie Prom up in Omaha a couple weeks ago:

So yeah. Book wise I'm starting on Blood Rites, the sixth Dresden Files book. Gaming wise I'm finally back playing Diablo II in my spare time. Still in Act III of Nightmare, but I hope to celebrate the completion of my Gay and Lesbian Lit paper by stomping Mephisto's face before TV Monday (Who's excited for new Chuck tonight? This kid!). I also hope to be getting some new games after Thursday (when I'm finally done with finals). Not that I can afford that right now, but I have very kind friends. I'm also considering running something in the Serenity RPG system this summer. We'll see though.
Time for me to get back to work on the final that's due tomorrow. Adios bloggers, I'll hopefully be posting more as the days go by. :)
JediKnightGirl! Come play MLINF Mafia with us! It will be epic. And we want more people!