So where do I begin?
Well, there's the reading: I finished up Wizard's First Rule and moved right on to Stone of Tears. Goodkind's writing style is excellent, but very intense, so I have been taking frequent breaks with this second one. I doubt that will last long though - I expect the story will grab my attention just like the first book did.
I also picked up the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book and read it straight through in two hours yesterday, prompting me to pick up the second one this morning when I was at the Lloyd center shopping. I also devoured that one in two hours, and something tells me tomorrow I'll pick up the third. I really should wait until I get back to Nebraska and borrow them from Jim... but they're really good! So we'll see how that goes.
I also went to numerous bookstores, including Powells, my favorite book warehouse in existence, where I picked up many fun items to read and enjoy, including a few cheap gaming books <3. Always a good thing! Other things: Portland has a pirate store. Seriously guys, an honest to gods pirate store. A store full of nothing but cool pirate merchandies and accessories and party favors and costumes. I squee'd. Like a silly girl. And then bought shiny things. :3
So yeah. Epicsauce.
I've also gotten some good DDO in, and I'm hoping tonight will be the night I get through enough quests to hit level five. Hoping Jim will up for some joint questing to boot - our Cleric-Sorc team is utterly doomish. We pwn everything in our paths.
Speaking of which, tonight I joined in on a D&D Encounters group at Guardian Games, an excellent little gaming store in Portland I wish I could live in it is so awesome. The gentlemen I gamed with were lovely individuals, and we had a blast running through an encounter with some muggers. I played a pre-made Half-Elf Cleric. It was fun, and took the edge of my dice-rolling jones.
Everyone say it with me: Lora, you're a huge nerd.
Speaking of more nerdery, I've started a new novel! Even better, I'm writing it in longhand, something I haven't done in years. The novel is going to be a bit more adult-oriented fantasy set in a space age. Mmm, genre-mixing. It's delicious.
So that's my week. I've seen sights, eaten lots of delicious food, stayed up really late, read books, gamed a bit, spent way more money than I should, and had an all-around good time.
Kinda looking forward to heading back to Lincoln though. I miss my friends, for they are awesome.
That's all for now. I have 5th level to reach!
Lora, we are all huge herds. I just wanted to drop you a line and say thanks for stopping buy tonight to game with us. Glad we could help ease your need for some game time. You did awesome, I'm sure your group back home really enjoys having you at the table. Next time you are in town a need a group just let me know.