Thursday, March 4, 2010

Campus wi-fi hates me

So I'm at work again on a Thursday night. I'm using one of the work computers because campus wi-fi keeps bugging up, which is very frustrating when one is trying to play DDO and you get kicked off the server. Its okay though, since I'm not playing with anyone at the moment (Jim has raid in WoW and Chris works until nine) and as much as I wanted to help the Waterworks PUG I knew I'd probably get dropped off the wi fi again. And I was.


So now I'm blogging and hoping the wireless will stop being all angry. I'll give it one more shot, and then probably give up on DDO until I get home. I got invited out, but exhaustion and carlessness have caused me to decline. As much fun as dancing and/or drinks at Old Chicago sounds, I need to save money, and it's cheaper to stay home and quest. Not in the least because I'm almost to level four and the internet won't freak out on me at home.

In other news, the first session of my D&D campaign is tomorrow night. I've been working on the encounters and let me tell you, I'm excited. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this group, and hopefully they will have a lot of fun with me too. Yay for a weekend filled with D&D :)

Finally, I'm putting together a book list for my trip to Oregon. I plan on doing a little shopping while I'm out there (since I'll be in Portland, home of Powells, my favorite bookstore in all the world), so right now the list involves Wizard's First Rule, Wedge's Gamble and The Kryptos Trap. I hope to pick up some more Sword of Truth books out there for cheap. :3

Oh, and I got my new power cable for Miranda! My big laptop is now capable of being portable once again! This brings me no end of joy and happiness, and it also means I can run videogames on graphics settings that don't suck horribly!

Screw it, if the internet refuses to fix itself, I'm going to play some Diablo II. Now that I have juice in my computer, I can run my Necromancer through Act III of Nightmare without hideous lag! Yay! :D

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